Thought some of you might be interested in these.
Sally is amazing, really patient and grounded, sets up a great space for play and remembering what's important to you. She has a background in art therapy but is also trained as a career counselor and is a practicing artist herself. Imagine her workshops would be a great way to refresh and refocus.
Treasure Maps"Dare to dream. Care to collage. Create a picture of your heart's wishes. No art experience is necessary - just BYO (Bring Your Openness)"
Saturday morning 13th June
10am to 1pm in Glebe
$75 inc materials
Creative Flame"What do you love doing? What ignites your spirit? How might you be light-arted?!
Spend a couple of mornings in a cosy, safe space playing with art materials and journalling. Create pictures to help sustain you through the heart of winter and beyond."
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th July
10am to 1pm in Glebe
$150 inc materials.
Contact: Sally Swain
sally [at]